Lots of instructions out there but this is what I needed to do to get it working with FreeNAS 9.3 and Crashplan 3.6.3_1
- add tunable:
- variable = linux_load
- value = YES
- type = loader
- reboot
- install crashplan plugin
- Accept EULA for java
- Jails > configuration
- turn off IPv4 DHCP
- Jails > Click on Crashplan jail > edit jail
- update IP address spare static
- make sure NAT disabled
- enable service via plugin GUI
- edit file via SSH “<path to jail>/usr/pbi/crashplan-amd64/share/crashplan/conf/my.service.xml”
- e.g. /mnt/storage01/jail/crashplan_1/
- set service host
- restart crashplan via jail GUI shell “service crashplan stop && service crashplan start”
- check plugin is listening via NAS CLI: “jexec <jail_name> sockstat -4”
- check jail has IP address via “jls” if not:
- Jails > click on Jail > Edit Jail > Advanced mode > untick VMIMAGE > restart jail
- if still issues like I had (can not connect) check DNS servers:
- jexec <jail ID> /bin/csh
- vi /etc/resolv.conf add:
- nameserver <IP address>
nameserver <IP address>
- nameserver <IP address>
- restart jail
- edit client crashplan config “C:\Program Files\CrashPlan\conf\ui.properties”
- set service host to Crashplan jail IP